Interesting Facts about the History and the Future of Irrigation
Irrigation is so incredibly vital, and yet for most people, it’s largely taken for granted. However, ever since mankind chose to cultivate plants, irrigation systems of one type or another have been used. From the most primitive systems to the use of modern technological advancements, irrigation is an invaluable process, allowing us to grow what we want, where we want it. We can bring lush green gardens to the middle of the desert, and grow food where once no crops would ever grow. Irrigation is amazing, it helps to feed people and saves lives. It also has a very interesting history.

Irrigation dates back to Ancient Egypt
Even back in 6000 BC, simple irrigation processes were being used. The river Nile would flood on a regular basis, and the Ancient Egyptians would divert the floodwater to the crop fields. Determining when the flood would occur was rather an art form and priests used a gauge, they called a Nilometer to observe the levels of the river.
Shaduf Irrigation allows irrigation outside of flood periods
Moving on to 1700 BC and a method known as Shaduf Irrigation was invented. This contraption used a rope and bucket on a crossbeam with a counterweight, to raise water from a river and swing it round to a field or water-carrying channel. Now irrigation was not reliant on flooding.
Archimedes invents the Archimedes Screw for Irrigation
In 250 BC the rotating screw was invented by Archimedes, to transport water up a spiral, from a source of water to higher ground. This concept is still used in industry today, but is more prevalent in transporting granular materials than liquids nowadays.

Centuries of Innovation
Irrigation innovation, like any other, is an ongoing process, and so with such early beginnings, and being such an important process, it’s no surprise that irrigation techniques have improved steadily over the centuries. Modern technologies have been embraced by irrigation innovators with computerisation making irrigation more effective, less wasteful and cheaper to run.
Moving to the future
Whether you own a large-scale farm or you simply want to keep your garden watered, the new developments have filtered down to all levels, and so everyone can take advantage of a wide range of new products available. Automated systems are now common, saving time and man power. Now there is no need to manually go outdoors to turn systems on and off, it can all be done online, via a mobile phone app for example. When an irrigation system is set over many acres, or the land owner is not on the premises but needs to make changes to the processes then this is incredibly useful.
Moving forward, irrigation systems will become increasingly smart. You’ll be able to adjust them remotely, but they’ll also collect data. This data can then be analysed and an intelligent system can make its own decisions regarding what action should be taken. You effectively have an eye on your irrigation 24/7 with equipment that will make adjustments as and when they are needed. This could be time saving, but it could also be crop saving, if a problem is detected early.
Discover the latest irrigation innovations at Elysee
Elysee are a leading supplier of high-quality irrigation products. Elysee pride themselves on their thorough Research and Development programme that gives you peace of mind that all Elysee equipment is made to the very highest standards. For more information on installing or upgrading irrigation systems, visit the Elysee website or get in touch.