Gas-assisted injection Molding
Gas-assisted injection molding was first proposed in 1970s, but it didn’t gain commercial acceptance until 1990s (Gas Assisted Injection Molding: Definition, Purpose, and Process, 2023). Even though the Gas Assisted Injection Molding gain acceptance in 1990s, it is considered as innovative solution for the forming of plastic parts.
In Gas-assisted injection molding (GAIM), gas is guided through a nozzle or directly to the core of the part to be injected, and it flows through the hot sections of the polymer, forcing the latter to occupy the cavities of the mold. The gas can be injected prior and/or simultaneously with the polymer. The main advantages of the Gas-assisted injection molding over the conventional Injection molding technique, is the reduction in cycle times, material cost, residual stresses and allows molding of parts with larger projected areas and cross sections (Clark, 1994) (Jong, Huang, & Chang, 1996) (Koelling, Gauri, Tendulkar, Kaminski, & Becker, 1997) (M. A, Lam, & Tor, 2002) (S. Y. Yang, 1994).
The following figure indicates the principle of Gas-Assisted Injection Molding.

Fig. 1 Gas Assisted Injection Molding principle (Gas-assisted injection molding, 2024)
- Clark, C. L. (1994). Overcoming process control challenges of gas-assisted injection molding. ANTEC Technical Papers, 540-543.
- Gas Assisted Injection Molding: Definition, Purpose, and Process. (2023, August). Retrieved from Xometry:
- Gas-assisted injection molding. (2024, 4 5). Retrieved from WIKIPEDIA:
- Jong, D. R., Huang, J. S., & Chang, Y. S. (1996). Experimental studies of design guidelines for gas-assisrted injection molding process. ANTEC, 668-673.
- Koelling, K., Gauri, V., Tendulkar, M., Kaminski, R., & Becker, O. (1997). Understanding the controlling mechanisms of gas- assisted injection molding through visualization. ANTEC Technical Papers, 3697-3701.
- M.A, P. N., Lam, Y. C., & Tor, S. B. (2002). Gas-assisted injection molding: the effects of process variables and channel geometry. Materials Processing Technology, 27-35.
- S.Y. Yang, S. J. (1994). Experimental study on gas - assisted injection molding. ANTEC Technical Papers , 404-407.